Steve Fowler
Fowler was one of Morning Star’s friendly neighbors, starting in 1968 when he
bought a home just up the road, where he still lives. Lou, Ramon, “Near” and “Gina” became his
close friends, and Lou used Steve’s house as an office the last years of his
life. After a year of graduate work in
dramatic arts (1962-62) at U.C. Berkeley, Steve helped to start “Open
Theater” with a couple who were among the first visitors to what was to
become Morning Star Ranch, Roland Jacopetti and Alexandra Hart. After a long hiatus from the stage Steve
joined Pegasus Theater Company ten years ago with his partner, Andrea Van
Dyke. They have collaborated on many
projects since, playing Chasuble and Prism in The Importance of Being Earnest, Regina and Horace in The Little Foxes, and staging the annual Hour Day Show at Pegasus.
“Getting back to an intimate relationship with nature,
voluntary simplicity, dropping out of the war-addicted economy – these were
some of the best and most enduring motives of the 60’s counterculture; all
were beautifully exemplified, for all too brief a time, at Morning Star.”