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Michelle Randall

Actor / Costume Coordinator


My involvement with singing and dramatic endeavors began back in high school. I was in the Cupertino High School choir for four years with Rocco DiStasio as the Choral director, and dabbled in the high school drama productions as well. In college, I joined the Foothill Madrigal Chorus and the San Jose Symphony Chorus. Later on I became involved with local community theater in San Jose and performed in Hello Dolly as Ernestina Money and the ensemble singing cast, I performed as Rose Seller in Oliver, and as part of the supporting cast for South Pacific. Through the years I have been involved with a number of vocal choral groups, including an all female group of six called the Mamatones.    


I’ve spent the past 18 years living in Sebastopol, CA, and have kept myself involved with a local church choral group. Two years ago, I reentered the world of dramatics and auditioned for the American Dream Theatre and landed a singing role in All Hallows. I performed with the Pegasus Theatre’s production of Holly Days last fall, and am currently in production in the American Dream Theatre’s Warp 60’s. I have recently joined the River Choir under the expert guidance of Sonia Trubidy.


When I saw audition notices for Morning Star, I was very excited as it sounded like a wonderful opportunity to work with the best. I auditioned and voila!







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